Baby Bags Slime Exploration
Lesson Plan:
Baby Bags Slime Exploration
Lesson plan developed by Ms. Erika Geelhoed, BA Ed
Age Group:
* Lesson plan objective and assessment can be adapted to use this activity with toddlers or preschoolers.
Children will:
Sparkly Slime Recipe
- Observe and record the children’s experience with the materials. Did the child have a preference when comparing? How did the children react to the feel of the material?
This sensory bag should be provided with supervision. Do not place the bag in a crib, or playpen.
Check the back for tears, or leaks each time before allowing the children to touch the bag. Don't allow the children to bite the bag.
This sensory bag should be provided with supervision. Do not place the bag in a crib, or playpen.
Check the back for tears, or leaks each time before allowing the children to touch the bag. Don't allow the children to bite the bag.
Click on the course icon for enrollment information.
Infants Can Play with Playdough
Yes, you read that correctly: infants can play with playdough!
There are some accommodations and considerations to be made, of course, but playdough is a very viable play material for infants. The first rule of any play material consideration for any age group is safety considerations. For infants this is especially important because of their tendency to put things in their mouth and their lack of motor control. The best thing to do is to know the children in your care and their habits and tendencies. For example some infants may rarely put objects in their mouths while others may continue to well into the toddler years.
There are some accommodations and considerations to be made, of course, but playdough is a very viable play material for infants. The first rule of any play material consideration for any age group is safety considerations. For infants this is especially important because of their tendency to put things in their mouth and their lack of motor control. The best thing to do is to know the children in your care and their habits and tendencies. For example some infants may rarely put objects in their mouths while others may continue to well into the toddler years.
Infants can play with playdough with some simple accommodations. Young infants may enjoy exploring playdough under close supervision and with help from an adult. The best playdough for young infants to explore as-is is one with a thicker consistency that isn’t easily crumbled too slimy. An adult should be carefully watching the infant explore this material in a safe environment. Choose different colored doughs for the infant to press, squish and pinch. For slimy, goopy or crumbly textured doughs there are many ways to adapt the play for infants: