Hungry Playdough Caterpillar Retelling
Hungry Playdough Caterpillar Retelling
Lesson plan developed by Aurora Tollestrup, BS Ed
Age Group:
Children will:
Reading Standards for Literature K–5
Kindergarten Students CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.K.2 Key Ideas and Details
Click on the course icon for enrollment information.
What to Know About Playdough
Special needs children can also benefit from playdough play as can children with sensory aversion/challenges. The dough can be manipulated in many ways and sometimes even just the squishing and pulling of the materials can benefit the child.
The small motor skill practice that playdough presents is inherent in the pinching and grasping of the materials. It is also found in the rolling, shaping and building of the dough. Building these small muscle groups make pencil and scissor use easier. The sensory aspect of playdough is often enjoyed by children of all ages. Infants through school-age children enjoy the feel of different doughs and can participate with appropriate adaptations. When children use all five of their sense they are discovering their environment and creating scientific discoveries about the world around them. This allows them to process information about the materials and environment that they are in and test hypotheses, make predictions, and analyze data. Playdough also brings a calming activity for stress or anxiety relief. Some teachers will use playdough as an entrance activity for their students, or on the first day of school or child care. It is a wonderfully calming sensory practice and benefits many children. |