From Our Educators
Debra Hasbrook, M.Ed. |
Music has benefits for a child’s emotional, physical and academic success. Yet it is often put in the category of just plain fun and creative expression. Which of course it is, but music is much more. Children naturally interact with music and some say even before birth. As soon as a child can move they may engage with the music they hear by rocking, bobbing their head, bouncing, dancing, vocalizing or to sooth. There is something so basic, warm and endearing about holding a child while humming or singing softly. Many children remember information best when it is sung or music is included in the lesson.
There is no need to be a great musician yourself. Music is about expression more that competency for the young child. The more enthusiastic you are the more engaged the children will be. You might find you are having as much fun as the children.