From Our Educators
Debra Hasbrook, M.Ed. |
You know the one I mean. The drawer in which you toss an item because you are not sure where it goes, or you’re in a hurry. Many mobile infant and toddler classrooms resemble this drawer, because that is what they do. Pick it up here, and drop it over there. Its ok, it’s developmentally appropriate. However there is a learning opportunity here that we often miss when we become frustrated with the ongoing clutter. Mobile infants and toddlers are not yet aware of the difference between work and play. This is a great time to introduce cleaning up as a game. Instead of becoming annoyed and quickly putting items back where they belong, begin teaching children responsibility and accountability by including them in the cleanup. I would do this many times throughout the day, not just before lunch or going outside when time is limited. As you begin the cleanup don’t fuss at the children, instead start singing the clean-up song you use in class. When you start singing and look like you are having fun, the children will naturally want to play too. Even if they are not actively helping they are watching and learning. This is now a game.