Rainbow Threading
Lesson Plan:
Rainbow Threading
Lesson plan developed by Ms. Erika Geelhoed, BA Ed
Age Group:
* Lesson plan objective and assessment can be adapted to use this activity with school-age children.
Child will:
Prepare threading station by cutting the straws into one inch pieces. Organize and place pieces into cups according to their color. This will make it easier for students to pick out a specific color instead of having to dig through a pile. Cut string into approximately foot long pieces and place at station. Allow students to explore and practice threading skills. Once students are done, tie the two ends of the string together to make a necklace. This will give the students self-confidence in creating something as well as give them something tangible to remember the activity.
- Observe and record the student’s fine motor skills. How easily was it for them to string the straw pieces? What techniques did they try? Did they create any patterns?
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Classification Skills
Classification can be defined as “the ability to group objects into sets based on specific characteristics such as color, shape, size, etc.” Classification is a skill young children develop by working with real objects through hands-on activities. Children need time to touch, feel, and work with actual objects in order to be able to truly understand the meaning of classification. As you begin to explore the concept of classification with your children, keep in mind that young children of the same chronological age are often on many different developmental levels. As the teacher, you will need to observe each child carefully to see how you can adapt the activity to meet their individual needs.