Space Songs and Action Rhymes
Gazing at the Stars
by Debbie Hasbrook
I lay on my back one Summer night,
Gazing up at the sky,
It was filled with so many sparkling lights,
Millions of stars so bright.
I started to count them, one by one,
Until I was tired, good night.
by Debbie Hasbrook
I lay on my back one Summer night,
Gazing up at the sky,
It was filled with so many sparkling lights,
Millions of stars so bright.
I started to count them, one by one,
Until I was tired, good night.
Milky Way
by Debbie Hasbrook
My Mommy said there’s a Milky Way,
high up in the sky.
She says that it is much too far,
for my little eyes to see.
I asked her if you drink it,
or if it’s a candy bar.
She said that it’s a galaxy,
Filled with millions of stars.
by Debbie Hasbrook
My Mommy said there’s a Milky Way,
high up in the sky.
She says that it is much too far,
for my little eyes to see.
I asked her if you drink it,
or if it’s a candy bar.
She said that it’s a galaxy,
Filled with millions of stars.
The Sun and Moon
by Debbie Hasbrook
The Moon is oh so sleepy,
And only comes out at night.
The Sun comes out when it’s time to play,
It’s hot and yellow and bright!
The Moon can change it’s shape,
A circle, a crescent then hidden,
The Sun has only one shape,
A Circle that crosses the heavens.
by Debbie Hasbrook
The Moon is oh so sleepy,
And only comes out at night.
The Sun comes out when it’s time to play,
It’s hot and yellow and bright!
The Moon can change it’s shape,
A circle, a crescent then hidden,
The Sun has only one shape,
A Circle that crosses the heavens.
Tuning Up For Outer Space
Sing to tune of "The Farmer in the Dell"
The sun is in the sky. The sun is in the sky.
Hot and bright, it gives us light.
The sun is in the sky.
The moon is in the sky.
The Moon is in the sky.
Around and 'round the earth it goes.
The moon is in the sky.
The stars are in the sky.
The stars are in the sky.
Twinkly bright, they shine at night.
The stars are in the sky.
Sing to tune of "The Farmer in the Dell"
The sun is in the sky. The sun is in the sky.
Hot and bright, it gives us light.
The sun is in the sky.
The moon is in the sky.
The Moon is in the sky.
Around and 'round the earth it goes.
The moon is in the sky.
The stars are in the sky.
The stars are in the sky.
Twinkly bright, they shine at night.
The stars are in the sky.
Around the Sun
Sing to tune of "Here We Go Around the Mulberry Bush"
Mercury goes around the sun,
Around the sun, around the sun.
Like the planets, everyone.
Each one in its orbit. (Continue with all planets)
As you continue the song, ask the children which planet would be next.
Sing to tune of "Here We Go Around the Mulberry Bush"
Mercury goes around the sun,
Around the sun, around the sun.
Like the planets, everyone.
Each one in its orbit. (Continue with all planets)
As you continue the song, ask the children which planet would be next.
Climb Aboard The Spaceship
Sing to tune of "Itsy Bitsy Spider"
Climb aboard the spaceship, We're going to the moon.
Hurry and get ready, We're going to blast off soon.
Put on your helmets And buckle up real tight.
Here comes the countdown, Let's count with all our might.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1---BLAST OFF!!
Sing to tune of "Itsy Bitsy Spider"
Climb aboard the spaceship, We're going to the moon.
Hurry and get ready, We're going to blast off soon.
Put on your helmets And buckle up real tight.
Here comes the countdown, Let's count with all our might.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1---BLAST OFF!!