It's the time of year that all of those bees are coming around! They are trying to find water on all of those beautiful plants. It's a great time to explain what bees do and how important they are in our lives even if they can be pesky. Busy Bee Songs! ![]() Buzzing Bees! Bees, Bees, Bees, Bees Buzzing in bushes and buzzing in trees Buzzing around, wherever they please There's nothing so sweet As sweet as a honey bee. A Bee is Buzzing Around the Room A bee is buzzing round the room, Buzz buzz, buzz buzz. A bee is buzzing round the room, Buzz buzz, buzz buzz. He'll buzz around the room once more, And then he'll buzz right out the door. And we'll all be glad when He is gone once more. Bee Hive Here is the bee hive (hold fist together) But where are all the bees (hold up hands) Hiding away where nobody sees Here they came creeping out of the hive 1,2,3,4,5 (Hold up fingers one at a time) Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (You can also use both hands and have 10 bees.) Do You Like To Buzz? Do you like to buzz. Are you covered all in fuzz? Do you call a hive a home In the garden where you roam? Do you know how to make honey, Are your stripes a little funny? Do you like to buzz? Bee Activities! Bee Math This is a good project for teaching kids numbers and number order. Create your bee from construction paper and cut out numbers. Have the children identify what the number is and what order it goes in. ![]() Paper Plate Bumble Bee Materials Needed: Paper plate Paint (yellow and black) Construction paper (black and red) Paper (white) Pipe cleaners (black) Scissors Glue Paint brush Paint tray Wiggly eyes Directions: Allow the children to paint the paper plate yellow, allow it to dry. Once dry, allow the children to cut their paper plate in half. Allow them to paint black stripes on their yellow bee bodies, allow it to dry. Using the black construction paper, cut it in circles for the eyes. Using the red construction paper, cut it in a crescent shape for the mouth. Using the white paper, cut it in ovals for the wings. Twist the pipe cleaners into arches for antennae. Glue on all of the pieces, allow to dry. Bee Snack
Use pineapple, apple, blueberries, and chocolate chips to create a bee snack.
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AuthorMs. Brittney Andrade, MS Early Childhood Studies Archives
September 2018
CategoriesCircusFourth of JulyIce CreamJellyfishPiratesCoin Letter Matching
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