Sensory BottlesSensory bottles take very little time to make, but offer numerous, lasting benefits for the kids. An awesome calm down and anxiety relief tool, sensory bottles are easy to make, reusable, and low cost too!
AuthorMs. Cassie Mayfield, Student Support and Resource Coordinator ArchivesCategories
Lesson PlansSensory Fun
Apple Sensory Bin Bird Seed Sensory Table Christmas Shaving Cream Sensory Bin Coin Letter Matching Color Mixing Discovery Bottle Conversation Hearts Sensory Bottle Construction Sensory Bin Cranberry Sensory Bin Creepy Crawly Sensory Bin Dirt and Worms Sensory Bin Dr. Seuss Alphabet Sensory Bin Duck Race Sensory Play Egg Sound Shakers Fall Sensory Bin Find the Grinch’s Heart Fireworks in a Bottle Flower Garden Fun Football Sensory Bin Garden Sensory Bin Ice Cream Dough Ice Cream Sensory Bin Infant Ball Pit Invisible Number Sensory Bin Leaf Musical Shaker Love Potion Sensory Table Lucky Day Sensory Bin Make it Rain: Sensory Bin Ocean in a Bottle Outer Space Sensory Bin Patriotic Sensory Bin Peas and Carrots Sensory Bin Pirate Sensory Bin Pond Water Sensory Bottle Popcorn Sensory Bin Pumpkin Guts: Sensory Exploration Pumpkin Soup Put Me in the Zoo Sensory Bin Rain Sensory Bottle Rainbow Sensory Shaker Sailboat Sensory Bin Scarecrow Sensory Bin Sea Foam Sensory Bin Shape and Dimension Sensory Bin Shaving Cream Letters Sight Word Hunt: Corn Sensory Bin Simple Sand Sensory Bin Smelling Bottles Sensory Snow Day Sensory Play Snow Dough Spaghetti Nests Sound Blocks Spider Discovery Basket St. Patrick’s Sensory Bottle St. Patty’s Jell-O Sensory Bin STEM Aluminum Boats Taste-Safe Sand The Snowy Day Sensory Play Toddler Treasure Hunt Truffula Tree Sensory Bottle Water Play for Infants Watermelon Sensory Paint Watermelon Sensory Rice |